Thursday, December 6, 2012


So, not much is going well, though I sure can't say that there isn't happiness anyhow. Days and days go by without being able to get next to a computer, but is that laziness on my part or is it just the way things come together? I don't get much chance to get anything accomplished much beyond keeping another days' watch as the world spins around, which it would keep on doing even were I not here to see any small part of it. Those that hate will continue to do so and those that love will also keep on pretty much as they have been, too. There hasn't been much progress made by me yet toward my aim of making sales online, but then again, I have not had much time to be putting forth a whole lot of effort toward that goal. I'm not worried that it won't be happening, I'm just a slight bit behind the schedule I had thought MIGHT occur. (And that's due mostly to the fact that several hundred dollars have NOT make it back home as was supposed to have already happened.) I don't really WANT a regular job, though regular, gainful employment is probably getting lined up for me even as I write this. At least the upcoming job promises to allow me plenty of time, a sufficient space and an adequate ISP to begin endeavoring to sell things online. So, an income coming in while I'm beginning to approach the WWW with my products ought to help me, making the learning and the expense less of a problem than it presently is...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I turn around and all of a sudden I've had 300 hours get away from me and I haven't made it back to do a thing with my blog, this is just terrible. Somehow I have to figure out how to afford getting an ISP back in my house so that it's easier to get these things updated as a constant thing rather than as on the "catch as catch can" basis it's been for way too long now. I'll keep trying! Shop AMAZON through my links here so that I might find some fiscal ability. PLEASE!! Have a great and happy Thanksgiving Holiday.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


So we go do our duty, exercise our privilege and TRY to get some into the offices up for filling with those who won't be lying to us, who won't be wasting our monies and who DO have our best interests at heart. Will this be the time we succeed at the endeavor? Maybe not; but we do keep trying and hoping. We've spent so much time being disappointed in our attempts to get honesty and forthrightness that we come close to losing interest and the general apathy of the voters threatens to completely turn the whole process over to the machinery of the process instead of more firmly situating the power in the hands and votes of the people ourselves. Such is the way of those on the "IN!" and they'll continue to contrive the power OUT of the hands of the people because they surely DO NOT WANT TO HEAR WHAT WE HAVE TO SAY! SUCH IS LIFE! Support the NRA. Support NORML. Go ask Tellman why his run hasn't recommenced, or go over here to ask him @ FaceBook. Have great days and may all your days be profitable!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Alright, new day and back a whole lot sooner than last stretch between posts, huh? That's just how it goes sometimes, feast or famine... can't find a minute to be getting to a computer or can't remember a password once I get back online; all sorts of hindrances, all the time. Or so it seems. But I'm here to pitch against keeping that guy who is CIC right now there one minute longer than necessary... Mr. Obama (I heard) has promised to do all that he can to end our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms... That's bad enough, all by its' self, to cause "we the people" to run him out of the top position, (and can't we bar those who would attempt such things from running for ANY office forevermore??)! Our rights continue to be attacked, and things we would prefer withheld from us... what gives this government the right to say that "we the people" can't change a law? Why does this government of the US citizens feel that they can tell us we've even less freedoms today than we were afforded yesterday and to accept it or be ready to be punished? I push for the NRA because they push on my elected officials to stop the attacks on our gun freedoms and perhaps when my fellow citizens see that those in power can be brought to heel on this subject then we can recognize that such things are possible. After all, "we the people" don't really WANT a revolution, but "we the people" are getting plumb fed up with lying, thieving politicians who keep getting fatter while we keep having less while continuing to have to shell out more to those who lie to us and for those who WILL NOT work and contribute only more mouths that need fed. Join or follow the NRA. Find out more about the going ons atNRANEWS. And check this out to see how the legal fight goes. In the meantime, hope that YOU will make it to the polls and put the threat of lameduck action against our gun ownership rights away again.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

That Long??

Yeah!!!!!!!!! I'll be back before long, but the 45 minutes the library allows got used up at my Gettin' Through Life blog so it's time to be scooting for the nonce, bbl!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm hurrying right along at the trying to get here more often!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not Posting; Some More!!

But I will keep trying to get to where I can make daily posts. I promise!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Week Ago Today...

I had been shanghaied volunteered and made to drive from southwest Nebraska to north central West Virginia and 168 hours ago I was just getting close to having Missouri behind me.
Drove straight through and then got on a bus to bring my "sorry, never really wanted or expected to be heading out so far so quickly" butt back to the middle of no-where.
Stopped by Sammy's in Pittsburg while waiting on my ride to be ready for me, saw the pics on the wall of all those famous folks and surely did wish that I had found someone there to ask me about the on my coat, but I'll bet that I picked the one and only time in days that the place was empty. Such is life? Or is it just the way things go for me alone? (Shoulda had the tarbender capture an image of me there so I could show I had been there.)
(And boy, that one desk guy at the WESTIN sure looked like he didn't have any appreciation for my being on the other side of HIS counter!)
Oh well! Back home again. Planning on getting away from here and DON'T know where I'll go, but getting drug out on wild adventures doesn't seem to cut it for me.
More later, less drively, hopefully!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I pulled posts because I'm no longer trying to accumulate funds to begin a walk across the USA.
1/1/12... nothing going on, no good happening, but nothing all that bad either. Don't have a thing to say at present, but did have to get those posts down.
Tomorrow is another day and I'll see about getting another post made then. With good fortune there'll be something interesting to put forth.
Great days to all!