Friday, January 20, 2012

A Week Ago Today...

I had been shanghaied volunteered and made to drive from southwest Nebraska to north central West Virginia and 168 hours ago I was just getting close to having Missouri behind me.
Drove straight through and then got on a bus to bring my "sorry, never really wanted or expected to be heading out so far so quickly" butt back to the middle of no-where.
Stopped by Sammy's in Pittsburg while waiting on my ride to be ready for me, saw the pics on the wall of all those famous folks and surely did wish that I had found someone there to ask me about the on my coat, but I'll bet that I picked the one and only time in days that the place was empty. Such is life? Or is it just the way things go for me alone? (Shoulda had the tarbender capture an image of me there so I could show I had been there.)
(And boy, that one desk guy at the WESTIN sure looked like he didn't have any appreciation for my being on the other side of HIS counter!)
Oh well! Back home again. Planning on getting away from here and DON'T know where I'll go, but getting drug out on wild adventures doesn't seem to cut it for me.
More later, less drively, hopefully!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I pulled posts because I'm no longer trying to accumulate funds to begin a walk across the USA.
1/1/12... nothing going on, no good happening, but nothing all that bad either. Don't have a thing to say at present, but did have to get those posts down.
Tomorrow is another day and I'll see about getting another post made then. With good fortune there'll be something interesting to put forth.
Great days to all!