Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sure Got Cold Again!

We're needing that snow which we are NOT getting in SouthWest Nebraska to be falling on us and getting that ground all covered up while the winter lasts, you know; something like trying to find an end to the drought we've been enduring for what now seems like decades. What we're getting, though, is some melting off and some packing down and a general thinning to non-existence of our snow cover. That lets the ground freeze and hastens the drying of it, making sure that what we'll have when we do get some scant moisture is the majority of that moisture running off. Making for floodings elsewhere and a missed chance for some ground softening along the way. Oh Well!! The library is undergoing construction and will be closed for up to 20 days beginning 1/15/2013: We'll know more on that, later. I'm hoping to be able to find someplace that's all capable of getting me connected to the WWW while that construction is going on, but in this burg I WON'T be holding my breath while looking. I guess I really DO need one of those smartphones I keep hearing are so great and that I see in so many hands, maybe the ISP @ home thing isn't so necessary any more, but right now this place has been serving fairly well. I'm going now to try to make some sales online happen. If it works for me, I will surely be saying so.

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